Today be the giver! Whether you are already extraordinarily happy or on the verge of a depression melt down this quick fix to happiness is for you. If you are in the first instance, this little trick will push you that much further down the road of joy and if you are in the second […]
An Artist is not an Artist Unless They Share Their Work with the World
The Painter: The painter had been asked to contribute 2 pieces of work to a gallery opening. When she delivered the works she said to the curator, “If you don’t like them let me know and I can change them for you.” He looked at her with disbelief and said, “Why do you care what […]
Hello and Welcome Friends and Supporters, Wow, it’s finally here! I have been working really hard the last couple months pulling this all together for you. Overall, most of it has been wonderful, but I won’t lie, there have been some tears, hair pulling, lots of coffee, cafes, dear friends, and many favors. It is […]
What is your learning edge?
I am filling out an application for a course called Leading by Being that I am enrolling in. I wanted to share one of the application questions with you and see if what you would answer to this question. The question: What would you say is your ‘learning edge’ at this point in your life […]
What are you most afraid of?
I was asked in a letter recently what am I most afraid of. The question has stuck with me and has been something I want to address on this site, but have been uncertain how I can address it in a way that is uplifting and empowering– and tells the truth at the same time. […]