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The Joy of Helpfulness (Part 3)

01 May

Giving a Helping hand Tweet: What can I help you with? @erinkellygirl After wrapping up my asking-for-help-week last time I want to now focus on the other side of helpfulness: Offering help. Tweet: For me, there is little that tops the joy I experience when I am able to help someone. @erinkellygirl Especially when I help […]

Fake it till you make it

27 Feb

‘It takes only seven seconds for us to judge another person when we first meet them,’ says Linda Blair, clinical psychologist and author of “Straight Talking”. ‘It’s not a conscious process, so we don’t even realize we’re doing it.’ I actually think that seven seconds is a generous statement, when you are firing on full […]

Indulge Yourself!

20 Feb

When was the last time you treated yourself to something you really wanted? Something that would normally fall into the category of “I don’t actually NEED it, so I SHOULDN’T spend the money… that would be stupid, wasteful and maybe even irresponsible.” For me, these indulgences fall into one of three categories: Office Supplies – […]