Where Is Your Crazy Space?

Clean your house and then clean your life
I have a fun task that I am undertaking…. Every house I have ever lived in – be it my own house, a room I was renting, and I have even experienced this in hotel rooms where I had an extended stay – I have had an area that drove me crazy. Depending on the space, this crazy making space could be the size of a drawer up to an entire room. (On one occasion, unfortunately, it was the entire house, but I’m going to ignore and move on from that one.)
So here is my task, should you choose to join me I would love to hear about your experience:
- First, get honest with yourself and admit what/where that place is. For me right now it’s a part of my desk. What is yours?
- Next, list all the things that drive you crazy about this space.
Is it messy? Is the color wrong? Is there not enough or too much light? Is there not enough “you” in it? Is it too old or new? Is it cold or too hot? What is it about the space that just makes you nuts? - Now, think about how you would like this space to look, feel or smell. Do you want to repaint? Add pillows? Throw away the junk? Alphabetize? What is it that would make this place feel like heaven to you?
Once you have identified what needs to be done, be honest with yourself about how much time it will take to do this and what tools are needed to do it. Once you have that, schedule a date with yourself when you are actually going to turn this crazy heap into the beautiful space that you want it to be. Sound good?
Tweet: Clean your house, clean your life! @erinkellygirl
What does this have to do with “iLEAPishness”?
Here’s the catch…before you launch into action, go back to just after having identified the place in your house that drives you crazy and why it drives you crazy.
Revisit that list; now apply it to THE number one area in your life that is causing you frustration, pain, disease. If it’s your job, say out loud, “My job is… (read the list you just created for the reasons your specific space drives you crazy)…”
Any of that ring true? Whether it does or doesn’t, just notice it.
Now go reorganize your space and as you enjoy it over the next couple weeks pay attention to whatever that frustrating, painful, disease thing in your life was.
I’ll remind you in a couple weeks to check in with me so that you can let me know how it’s going.
Have fun!
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