Indulge Yourself!

When was the last time you treated yourself to something you really wanted?
Something that would normally fall into the category of “I don’t actually NEED it, so I SHOULDN’T spend the money… that would be stupid, wasteful and maybe even irresponsible.”
For me, these indulgences fall into one of three categories:
- Office Supplies – things like a new filing system, colorful pens, fancy note taking paper, etc. – I rationalize my way out of this one by saying, “I have tons of old file folders, my filing cabinet might be from the ’80s and my dad may have gotten it out of a dumpster, but it still works. I have a drawer full of pens and most of them can write for at least a while. I have a box of recycle paper under my desk, use some of that to write notes on!”
- Art supplies – yarn for knitting something, material for baby blankets, sketch books, colorful pens, anything and everything scrap book related, canvas. The thoughts that come in here are along the lines of “you never have time to do art. You will start and never finish, you already have tons of art supplies at home, etc.” (And similar to my filing cabinet, my art supplies are all ancient. I have material from when I was a child in my box, in sizes that could never be used for anything. I have half dried up pens and paint, and yarn colors that are all my left overs from things that I probably wouldn’t use anyway.
- Household items – anything to use in the kitchen for fun cooking and beautiful presentation of food. And sometimes, although less likely, something like new sheets and pillows, bathroom supplies, etc. This area I rationalize my way out of simply by saying “I can’t afford that”. I lived in England for six months and every night I would lay all my scarves, my towel and my coats over the top of my blanket because it got so cold there. And I would think, “I can’t afford another blanket! I’m not staying in England long term. And besides, my scarves are working just fine.”
I write a lot. I love the excuse to not sit in front of my computer and type, but rather to sit with a pen and notebook and jot some ideas down that way. I will not do this with a yellow legal pad and a pen that kind of writes. The way a pen feels in my hand is important to me. The neatness of a clean notebook is important to me. I will spend less time on my computer if I have a nice notebook and a nice pen that feels good to me and that is well worth the $15 that I could spend at office max.
Can you relate to this at all?
Do you have little luxury items you fantasize about as you walk past them in the store but then talk yourself out of?
Something that would make you feel really good, but for some reason you can’t manage to justify it?
Here is my assignment, should you choose to accept. Please do realistically bear in mind the reality of your current economic position and don’t go buy a $500 kitchen accessory if that is all the money you have in your savings. Think about those little indulgent items that you want, but don’t feel you need, for whatever reason, and treat yourself to one of them.
You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.Dalai Lama
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