The Joy of Helpfulness (Part 1)

Helpfulness always concerns at least two persons: the one who is asking for help and the other person who gives a helping hand. Tweet: Each has the opportunity to make the other one happy. @erinkellygirl
Asking for help – For many people this simple task is quite hard. I have to admit: I am one of them. I constantly have to remind myself to ask for help because asking for help is not a skill that comes naturally for me. I will often spend hours trying to do something or figure something out, getting frustrated and pulling out my hair before I consider reaching out for help. I have found myself horribly sick to the point of barely standing up at the grocery store because I couldn’t/wouldn’t ask for help.
However, often, if I ask the right person, the task or thing I need help with is done within minutes of me asking. AND the amazing part is that most people get tremors of joy when they are able to help. I know first-hand about the joy of helping others, and I’m sure you do too.
Tweet: I never want to take away my helpfulness. @erinkellygirl
If I don’t ask for help when I need it I am basically robbing the generous people around me of the gift of giving. Who am I to rob others of this joy? Knowing this, doesn’t always make it easier however. Why then is it so hard? Why do I continue to struggle time and time again when I have been shown repeatedly that when I ask for help things are done with more joy and ease?
Pride? Stubbornness? Silliness?
All of the above?
The next week for me is going to be about asking for help when and where I need it. Every day next week I will ask myself: What did I ask for help with, how did it feel?
Want to join me? Ask yourself honestly: Where do I need help? How do I ask for it when I need it?
Write down an example every day and tell me if you like.
Stay tuned. Next week I will tell you about my asking-for-help-week.
Tweet: Ask for help when you need it! @erinkellygirl
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