The Joy of Helpfulness (Part 2)

Experiences of an asking-for-help-week
Last week I promised you a report about my asking-for-help-week. Here is what I experienced:
What did I ask for help with, how did it feel?
- Help Day # 1… I asked for help from the BolderLife committee leaders. It was hard to admit that I can’t cover everything, however it left me feeling more supported and relaxed then before I asked. If asking for help eliminates stress then going through the pain of asking is totally worth it!
- Help Day # 2… I asked a friend for a ride from Los Angeles to San Diego. I wasn’t feeling good, but my family down there really needed me so it was either put myself under pressure and drive unwell or ask for help. Driving from LA to SD is no short drive and it was hard for me to ask, however the joy of being able to help that it brought my friend felt good to see. We also got to spend several hours in the car having great conversation. The worst thing that could have happened would be for him to say no and then I would have been where I already was.
- Help Day # 3… I asked a friend for $6 to buy an ice cream cone. He laughed at me the whole time I ate it because I was enjoying it so much. Hearing him laugh was delightful for me.
- Help Day # 4… I asked for help with a big grocery store run that we needed for the house that I didn’t have time or energy for. This one was harder to ask for because who really has time and energy for a big grocery store run? We compromised and both went to the store, not as time efficient or energy saving for either of us, but we had company which made the errand much more enjoyable.
- Help Day # 5… I asked 2 local friends for help building my support and friend network here in CA. Over the last several years I have spent much more time in Colorado and my network of friends has shrunk since I lived here full time.
- Help Day # 6… I asked for help reminding me to actually do this assignment. As I mentioned in my last blog, asking for help doesn’t come easy for me, so I needed reminding to do it. That felt silly to ask for but it got me to actually follow through.
And this is my conclusion:
- Asking for help is not always as difficult as you think it will be.
- Asking for help is not weakness. It is a natural way to grow, to learn and to understand.
- Asking for help is a chance to save my time, energy and money.
- Asking for help is a chance to learn something new about/from other people… and something new about myself.
- Tweet: Asking for help is one of the best ways to tell someone: You matter! @erinkellygirl
What did you experience? I would love to know.
Next week I will explore the other part of the joy of helpfulness: Offering help.
Stay tuned and learn with me.
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