Magic Moments

A few months ago I was in Fiji, (I know, beautiful, lucky, amazing, all those things), but on this particular trip I was cleansing. If any of you have ever done this you will know that there are high points on this as well as very low points. It was the 3rd day of the cleanse and for me the hardest day is usually the 3rd. After a long day, I made my way back to my bungalow, head aching causing my eyes to blur, body pounding, stomach demanding either food or regurgitation.
I was hungry, homesick and angry.
To give you a little back story, I was there doing a 7 day workshop and cleanse and on top of feeling so ill that particular day, I had unveiled several emotional things in my life that I wasn’t necessarily too keen on dealing with at the time. All and all I was not in the best of states.
When I reached my room I collapsed on my bed, but soon forced myself back up to get in the shower, knowing it was an early start the next day, and it would be nice to get the shower out of the way. I was also hoping the shower would ease my aching heart and body. I opened my shower door and…
….this was what, or should I say who was sitting in my shower starring at me. I screamed, (I know, miss outdoors, not afraid of anything, screamed… I was tired). But after the scream I started laughing, and kept laughing. And as I laughed he just sat there, looking cool as ever. I figured he would move if I got into the shower but he didn’t. He just sat in the corner by my hair product, looking up at me. He didn’t move throughout my whole shower and I just kept laughing. I didn’t even realize, but in the instant that I started laughing my state had completely changed. I no longer felt sick and achy and depressed. I was giggling, I was happy, I was alive. He came back every night for the rest of my stay and each night he seemed to wipe away the Fatigue of my day and brightened it completely.
Magic moments can happen every day, all the time. They can happen in the midst of struggle or in the midsts of beauty. They give us a chance to get outside ourselves and make us smile.
In my house I use these as tools for bringing me back to gratitude. In the evening I will look back and revisit all the magic moments I experienced throughout the day. What a difference this makes to my state before I fall asleep.
I would love to do something with you, if you are up for it.
If you share your magic moments with me this week, I will do the same.
Every night this week I will add a comment below with a magic moment from my day. I would love to hear some of yours. Its great way to move out of whatever muck you may be dealing with and remind yourself how much you have to be grateful for and get excited about.
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