Quick Fix to Happiness

30 Jan

Today be the giver!

Whether you are already extraordinarily happy or on the verge of a depression melt down this quick fix to happiness is for you. If you are in the first instance, this little trick will push you that much further down the road of joy and if you are in the second instance it might help you back out of the depression even if only a little.


Are you ready?

Do you trust me?

Don’t read this whole blog and then decide whether you are going to try it or not. Commit now and just enjoy the ride, it will be worth it, I promise you.

Step 1: Commit to trying this no matter what it is that I am about to ask you to do.

Step 2: Go get your wallet, your purse, the pocket of your jeans that you wore yesterday, wherever you keep your money. If you don’t have any cash on hand either go get your change jar (if you have one) and get it ready for transport to the nearest bank or convenience store to get it changed into bills, or write down a dollar amount that would be about equivalent to what you would normally carry around, pull out your ATM card and get ready to go to the bank and withdraw that amount. If you are one of those people who never carry cash around, go take out $20.

Step 3: Hold that money in your hand and think about its value to you. It could mean that nice cup of double half caff cap that you just love so much. It could be lunch with your friend, it could be the amount that just got you over the, “how am I going to pay rent?” question, to “I’m good for another month.” What does this amount of money mean to you. When you think about what this money means to you allow yourself to feel the enjoyment of what this money can give you.

Step 4: Now get up from your computer, put down your phone, walk away from however you are reading this blog and go out and give the amount of money that is in your hand to someone else. You can give it to five different people if you want, or just one.


Let us not be satisfied with just giving money.

Money is not enough, money can be got, but they need your hearts to love them.

So, spread your love everywhere you go.

Mother Teresa

I have a client who did this excercise. He had $5 in his pocket and decided he wanted to give it to five different people. He had one person slam the door in his face because the man didn’t understand that he wasn’t selling something. Then he had a women invite him into her home where she prepared lunch and a refreshing drink for him in thanks. They are now still friends to this day… $5 well spent in my book.
Tweet: When we interact with people we are on 1 of 2 paths, we are either trying to get something or we are trying to give something @erinkellygirl

Today, with the money in your hand, be the giver!


As a last note, I do think Step 3 is important. Many of us are already givers by nature and so this exercise will be easy for you. What will add to your level of enjoyment is the knowledge that you are giving away something that has value to you. It’s the difference between giving clothes you don’t wear any more to the goodwill, verses giving your favorite dress to your best friend for her to wear to her engagement party because she has always loved the dress. There is more weight and value to the gift for both the giver and the receiver.

Come back and share your story of how this goes. I am dying to hear what you experience, how this experience affects your day today.

Have fun.

Feel uncomfortable and push through.

See what happens.

And if you feel inspired, tell me about it.

Till next time.


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