
Hello and Welcome Friends and Supporters,
Wow, it’s finally here!
I have been working really hard the last couple months pulling this all together for you. Overall, most of it has been wonderful, but I won’t lie, there have been some tears, hair pulling, lots of coffee, cafes, dear friends, and many favors.
It is with great pleasure that I write this update to you.
As you may have noticed my site, www.erinkellygirl.com has been silent for quite some time as I have been off running Film Festivals, working on movies, and writing my book. For those who frequented erinkellygirl.com and used it as a source of pleasure, information, inspiration and resources I would like to apologize for its long stagnation. I have learned over the years that I have two handicaps when it comes to this sort of business. The first is that I LOVE the beginning phase of business, the birthing and the toddler stages of it. The newness is exciting and energizing to me. Once the business becomes a routine and starts to run smoothly I become too easily distracted and my time becomes too easily consumed with another separate new shiny project. The second handicap that I have discovered is my need for perfection. If a business or project falls out of perfection in my eyes I tend to avoid it then take the steps to make it right again.
Navigating through these two thing as well as other life obstacles has been an interesting journey of self discovery that I would love to share with you. I have spent the last couple years in school learning and honing the skills that are and have been my real talents and mission. Coaching, teaching, group facilitation, communications, on top of running two businesses has taught me much.
My exciting news is that erinkellygirl.com is now reformatted. I have taken the two unique and individual elements of erinkellygirl.com and given them each their own platform to grow.
www.MyLovingAnnabelle.com launched about a month and a half ago and is THE platform for everything Annabelle. The blog Ask Annabelle, an information based help blog for LGBTQ’s where I, along with Jessica Lawless, another gender specialist coach are answering your questions.
iLEAPwithErinKelly.com or iLEAPgroup.com is the home for my coaching practice, my life, work, love, advice blogs, my eBooks, and soon my classes will be offered here. iLEAP stands for inspiring Leadership, Empowerment, Authenticity and… the P sometimes stands for Passion, and sometimes for Presence.
I come with an open heart. I want so deeply to learn and grow and to serve others. I desire freedom, and bliss. I am creative and often think outside of the box. I am viciously loyal, and sometimes can be to a fault. I usually give people the benefit of the doubt, a second chance and choose to trust another’s higher good rather then their actions. I am a horrible speller, but that doesn’t keep me from writing. I look forward to playing and learning with you.
I would like to thank everyone who has helped me along the way, first and formost my investors, you know who you are, thank you for believing in me and for supporting me through this process. And to my amazing web designer Joe Rosa, you are a legend! I could not have done this without you. And to my my editors, Julia Mathison, Diane Feliciano, Adam Kay, and Jan Kelly, your patients and good humor about my spelling is so much appreciated. To the artistic people who have contributed with artwork, photographs, makeup, editing and music, Julia King, Tom Parkin, Matthew Kay, Rodney Wilson, Diane Feliciano, Joe Rosa.
Let the games begin.
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